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Now and Then - The Beatles in 2023

·1 min

Wow. Kind of an emotionally charged listen. As a long-time fan of the Beatles, I think the story behind this song is really touching, and to think that…

A) I’m able to say that I was alive when the Beatles released “new music” (something that is causing some cognitive dissonance), and…

B) that this is being called their “final song,”

just makes me feel a bit overwhelmed.

Truth be told, as a song, I would mostly say it was fine. I would probably consider it a less standout track for the Beatles had it been included on any of their previous albums. That said, it’s still a Beatles song, so it still holds some merit to me, and I think there’s a tremendous amount of weight behind the song all the same.

I guess I’d also be remiss not to mention that the mixing felt a little off. I don’t think the AI was able to perfectly clean up John’s voice, and the mastering seems brickwalled out the ass.

All the same, it was touching, dreamy, and new music from the Beatles. C’mon! How can I really complain?

Listen here on Spotify or here on Apple Music.


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